Post by brianHow do I set up Turnpike ( and stunnel) to send and receive e-mail as a
second mail provider ? Just receiving would be OK.
There was a fred in 2022 about it, citing security issues, but it was
I have a gmail account as a back-up, and I used to use TP and Stunnel
with it to download emails, but when they said they were bringing in the
dreaded 2FA if one used "less secure" clients such as TP with it, I
decided it was getting too complicated. As I don't get much email to it,
I just look at it via my browser every few days.
This is the Stunnel configuration that I was using:
; Debugging stuff (may useful for troubleshooting)
debug = 6
output = stunnel.log
log = overwrite
; Disable FIPS mode to allow non-approved protocols and algorithms
fips = no
; * Service defaults may also be specified in individual service
sections *
; Certificate/key is needed in server mode and optional in client mode
;cert = stunnel.pem
;key = stunnel.pem
; Authentication stuff needs to be configured to prevent MITM attacks
; It is not enabled by default!
;verify = 2
; Don't forget to c_rehash CApath
;CApath = certs
; It's often easier to use CAfile
;CAfile = ca_certs.pem
; Don't forget to c_rehash CRLpath
;CRLpath = crls
; Alternatively CRLfile can be used
;CRLfile = crls.pem
; Disable support for insecure SSLv2 protocol
options = NO_SSLv2
; These options provide additional security at some performance
;options = SINGLE_ECDH_USE
;options = SINGLE_DH_USE
; * Service definitions (at least one service has to be defined)
client = yes
accept =
connect =
verifyChain = yes
CAfile = ca-certs.pem
checkHost =
OCSPaia = yes
TIMEOUTconnect = 60
TIMEOUTidle = 40
TIMEOUTbusy = 40
TIMEOUTclose = 40
;time to wait for close_notify (set to 0 for buggy MSIE)
client = yes
accept =
connect =
verifyChain = yes
CAfile = ca-certs.pem
checkHost =
OCSPaia = yes
;Google say:
;If you connect using SMTP, you can only send mail to Gmail or Google
Apps users; if you connect using SSL/TLS, you can ;send mail to anyone.
If your device or application supports SSL - connect to
on port 465. To connect with ;SSL, you need to provide a Google username
and password for authentication.
You could try using that and see what happens. Maybe it will be viewed
as secure enough not to need 2FA after all. (The comments were in the
example config file on the Stunnel web site that I edited to produce my
own. Don't ask me what they all mean!)
John Hall
"I don't even butter my bread; I consider that cooking."
Katherine Cebrian